Thematic Unit for Use with Chipo's Gift

Thematic Unit for Use with Chipo's Gift


Deb Troehler, author of Chipo's Gift, has created a thematic unit for use by teachers and parents. The unit is designed for use in grades K-2.

The unit's activities and lessons address these skills:

  • Reading/writing: comprehension (concrete and implied), drawing conclusions
  • Science: comparing/contrasting species of moths (lifecycle, habits, etc)
  • Math: addition, counting, number recognition, sequencing
  • Art: identifying batik technique, eye-hand coordination
  • Geography: identifying continents, comparing seasons in the northern/southern hemispheres
  • Physical Education: using balance, range of motion
  • Other concepts: symmetry, relating story to personal experience, reasoning skills

PaperButterfly-small.jpg Chipo-small.jpg BatikButterfly-small.jpg

There are five files associated with this unit: